Double Chef's BBQ & Catering


Welcome to Double Chefs BBQ & Catering Official Web Site. Our story is a Reality of Love, Passion, Sacrifice, Growth, Patience as well as Dedication. Double Chef's have invested our time, blood, sweat & tears. Into to a full time relationship with our recipes & the foods we create for our Family, Friends & our Guests. We never take short cut's and all of our food is made from scratch with the best of the best ingredients.  

We're always up for a challenge so if you've ever stated to one of our Chef's, that you've never liked a a certain food. We go above and beyond to prove that not only will you love the food that you once disliked but you'll also ask us when will we be making it again. Our style of Barbeque isn't just BBQ. However, it's Barbeque with a Gourmet twist. 

Founded in 2015 Chef's Yasmin & Amanda better known as Chef YasManda or Double Chefs. Just creating meals for friends & co-workers, when it became a reality that this was their only reality. Double Chef's began doing side catering gigs as they both still held down full time jobs for the next few years. In 2017 we became a bit more serious about our passions, yet we still weren't ready or confident enough to leave our full time jobs. In the year 2020, Chef Yasmin started pushing the catering Menu harder because the pandemic had big chain restaurants closing a rapid pace. 

{Chefs Yasmin & Amanda actually met 10 years previous, at a Concert Venue & Restaurant Named Sundown At The Granada. Little did either of them realize that history was creating a bond  between friends right there, in Dallas, Texas on Greenville Ave.. That grew into what we know today as "Double Chefs".}

Still working for a big caterer in Dallas, TX. Late 2020 Chef Yasmin grew tired of the disrespect & the lack of passion that they were surrounded by & took a leap of faith & quit his job as the Creation Chef for the company he was working for at the time. Chef Yasmin begged his business partner & wife to quit as well, for more than a year. Chef Amanda finally came to the sad conclusion that she'd never really get out of a "job" what she could create on her own terms. After Chef Amanda quit to focus on her own business. There was a relief of stress & a rapid Momentum of her Leadership as an entrepreneur as well as a Chef. Here we are now in 2022, growing at a rapid speed with no intents on slowing down. 

The Double Chef's Dynamic Duo has been serving their Gourmet Barbeque at a food stand in Irving, TX for roughly a year with goals of possibly purchasing a food trailer to be able to expand their menu & become one of the best in the world of Barbeque. 

As The Year 2022 Began to unravel, it was no easy start at all. Chef Amanda just about lost her life due to a miscarriage. Also a ectopic pregnancy that took her into a emergency surgery, that removed her right fallopian tube. Thank God that she had this surgery Months before the Texas supreme court passed the law preventing a majority of abortions. Of coarse neither Chef wanted to abort a child they both desperately wanted. However, the baby was growing in her tube & would've ultimately resulted her as well as the un born baby to lose their lives. 

Rapidly moving into the month of February 2022. Focusing on succeeding more than anything else. About the same time of month, YasManda once again ran into the same issue as the previous month of January. This time instead of losing another tube, the hospital gave her a chemo pill to help push the baby out of the tube. They caught it in time, so the drastic measure was not drew out into surgery this time. The chemo pill put her on pretty harsh restrictions. Including being out in the direct sunlight, which was a part of the job that they couldn't get around just yet.